
Virtual World Science/HSIE Projects

Mrs Booth has combined the science and HSIE themes for this term into an integrated virtual project. All students are looking at the use of water for farming and packaging. Each student has selected a particular type of farm and is recreating a 3D representation of it using Sim-on-a-Stick or concrete materials. They must include… Read more Virtual World Science/HSIE Projects

Our Australian Heritage Virtual Projects

The student virtual builds are looking fantastic and all students are working on their information reports to be published on their individual student blogs. Both Lachlan and Leon are sharing their ideas as they develop skills using sim-on-a-stick. Mrs Booth was amazed with the quality of their artefacts. Lachlan is continuing on Sydney Harbour Bridge… Read more Our Australian Heritage Virtual Projects

Being Australian virtual project: Week 2

Today the students all managed to do some programming and changed their opening message for their virtual world to Crossmaglen Public School. The students also focussed on their avatars and changing the clothing to emulate early Australian attire which was much more modest and sombre than today’s fashion. Students made stockings, vests, shirts, jackets, socks, shoes and… Read more Being Australian virtual project: Week 2

Our Australian Heritage Virtual Learning Project

Students today were introduced to their 10 week virtual learning project connected to the COGs G multi-stage unit ‘Our Australian Heritage’ Connection focus for each stage: ES1/S1: understanding that cultural activities, objects, songs, dances and stories express beliefs, values and a connection to place and people. S2: exploring the impact of British colonisation and how… Read more Our Australian Heritage Virtual Learning Project

Crossie kids discover Sim-on-a-Stick!

Last Friday all students at CPS were introduced to virtual world technology. Mrs Booth has been using a version the program Sim-on-a-Stick (a stand alone virtual world) which she has modified for her primary students over the past year at Coffs Harbour Public School and the students have been achieving great success in their units of work. Virtual… Read more Crossie kids discover Sim-on-a-Stick!