Nova Citadel MinecraftEdu English Science Project

Students finished the Epic Citadel English/Science project this week and many parents and family members came to view their work during the presentation afternoon. The students published their character descriptions in the Nova Citadel library. For information about this project go to this earlier post: Epic Citadel/MinecraftEdu.Β All the students have loved this project and being able to record their progress and evaluate using their own devices ensured that they all took greater responsibility for their learning. Using MinecraftEdu to build their model and publish their text proved to be an excellent tool and all students from grade 1-6 were able to achieve success due to self-motivation and immersion within the space. It is difficult to teach an integrated unit across ages/stages but this project has enabled all the students to work collaboratively and participate equally ensuring high outcomes for all. Well done πŸ™‚

4 thoughts on “Nova Citadel MinecraftEdu English Science Project

  1. From the early days of learning about Minecraft through Josh and Jessie’s cousin a few years ago, this is an amazing use of the program nowadays! You guys have done an unbelieveably great job – what a huge place you have built, so much attention to detail, so much effort. Love that the stories everyone wrote about themselves in the library as well, very clever. Love the music too Mrs Booth πŸ™‚

    1. Fantastic work. Looks awesome. Feel very privileged to have been able to help lay a couple of bricks in that wall. Kids, you’ve done such an amazing job!

  2. This was a great unit. The students did so much planning, descriptive writing, problem solving, reflection and group work. It was fantastic to see the interconnection between the different teaching and interaction of the students.

  3. Thanks Suzy, this was a fantastic project and the students all did so well. It helps when they are so engaged! I can’t wait for 2014 and the projects I have planned. I’m sorry the walk through video is so fast but I was having problems with my computer and couldn’t slow the footage down…it originally went for over 30 minutes…

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